Rubik’s Cube piece identification is how to identify different pieces on the rubik’s cube, specifically the bigger ones (4×4 and above).
3×3 Piece Identification
We can tackle the 3×3 easily.
The F piece is the front middle; the FR piece is the front right edge, and the FUR piece is the corner that touches all those sides.

Big Cube Piece Identification
On big cubes, following 3×3 piece notation becomes worthless… I mean, does “rotate the f U l piece to where the b U r piece would be” make sense? (I just told you to do U2 lol)
This is why we like matrix notation(except for weird positive directions): for any face, (1,1) is the top left piece, and for a 4×4 (4,4) would be the bottom piece. So U(2,3) identifies the same middle piece as in the last example.

In Rubik’s Cube piece identification, we can combine 3×3 and big cube notation if needed.. The F U edge on a 5×5 would mean the 3 pieces that touch both the F and U faces.
That’s really it, consider solving the 4×4! And a big thanks to Ibero Rubik’s website, which taught me much of the more advanced notation I know today.